Sunday, October 6, 2013

IEEE Fall Announcements
October 6, 2013 | UCLA Student Chapter


First Project Meetings
OPS, MicroMouse, NATCAR, and C3 are launching this week, so don’t miss out on the opportunities to get involved! Visit the IEEE UCLA website here for additional project details.

Open Project Space is a friendly, non-competitive program for students wanting to gain practical experience in electrical engineering and the lab environment. Here, students gain the hands-on absent from most intro classes and dive into components, soldering, and schematic design. Email for more information.
October 7
Boelter 2730D
6 – 7 PM

Code, Create, Compete; the three missions of the new C­3 program come together to form a fun, friendly environment in IEEE for computer science lovers. Join the team of dedicated peers to work on ambitious projects, including robotics, AI, games, and more. Email for more information.
October 8
Boelter 4760
6:30 – 7:30 PM

MicroMouse is a project where students build an autonomous maze-solving robot. It gives students a chance to build and exercise skills in circuit design, microcontroller programming, circuit debugging, feedback control, and sensor fusion. Competitive and non-competitive options are available. Email for more information.
October 10
Maxwell Room,
57-124 Engr IV
5 – 6 PM

The goal of NATCAR is to create an autonomous line-following vehicle by combining elements of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering. Microcontroller, motor controls, and sensors come together to navigate the course in the shortest amount of time. Teams are encouraged to compete, though non-competitive options are available. Email for more information.
October 10
Maxwell Room,
57-124 Engr IV
6:30 – 7:30 PM

coming soon

Accenture Infosession
Accenture helps organizations assess how to maximize their performance and works with them to achieve their vision. As the world’s largest engineering consulting firm, it helps create successful businesses, perform tech services, and outsourcing to maximize corporate efficiency. IEEE members interested in business and management are especially encouraged to attend. Please prepare business casual wear and resumes.
October 9
Maxwell Room,
57-124 Engr IV
6 – 7:30 PM

Qualcomm Infosession
Qualcomm engineers push the envelope each day to extend the capabilities of mobile technology. Learn how to be involved in this exciting process through intern and new grad openings.  Meet engineers working on these cutting edge technologies and talk with recruiters about career opportunities. Food, giveaways, raffles. Qualcomm will also be around for office hours on Thursday, October 10, with information here.
October 9
Rice Room,
Boelter 6764
6 – 8 PM

Free Solar Decathlon Trip
Schneider-Electric has invited UCLA EE and MAE students to take a visit to the Department of Energy’s Solar Decathlon, an international competition for energy efficient solar-powered houses. This event is perfect for engineering and architecture students interested in forming a future UCLA team, or simply in exploring the concept homes of 20 schools on the site.

*Charter transportation from UCLA to Irvine, as well as dinner for the evening are provided. All attendees will be free to explore the village, interact with company reps (bring resumes), and listen to keynotes. The charter bus is on a first-come, first-serve basis, so RSVP by 9PM, October 10.
October 11
Irvine, CA
2 – 7 PM


APA Healthcare Recuiting
Do you want clinical experience? Want to work closely with medical, nursing, public health students, and physicians? Want to join a close-knit health organization? Then you should join APA Health CARE! To apply, visit here.
October 10
CHS 13-105
5 – 6 PM
App deadline is Oct 11, 11:59 PM.

CLAS TECH Symposium
The IEEE Coastal Los Angeles Section, the local society encompassing UCLA and surrounding industries, is presenting a symposium and exhibition at the Hacienda Hotel in El Segundo. The professional event will include 2 tracks with 5 technical sessions and table top exhibits. A buffet lunch will be provided. Registration online is $15 before October 21, while onsite registration will be $30. The agenda can be found here.
October 25
El Segundo, CA
8 AM – 3:30 PM
Registration and Information:

FLoW Cleantech
First Look West, a Caltech-based association, is hosting a competition for university students to foster clean tech innovation and entrepreneurship. Previous submissions have included clean energy, transportation, and infrastructure, and winning groups take home up to $100,000 prizes and startup opportunities. Proposals are due March 3, 2014, so visit the link on the left to find out more about the challenge.
March 3, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
Registration and Information:

See you soon,


Sunday, September 29, 2013

IEEE Fall Announcements
September 29, 2013 | UCLA Student Chapter


Fall General Meeting#1:
UCLA IEEE Introduction
IEEE kicks off the year with its biggest event. For both incoming and returning students, the first general meeting is a gateway to the many opportunities IEEE has to offer: major projects (OPS, MicroMouse, NATCAR), the lab resources (including a 3D printer), and our friendly staff. Delicious food will be provided.
October 2
CNSI Auditorium
6 – 7:30 PM

Welcome BBQ
*The date for this event has been changed from Saturday the 5th to Sunday the 6th. IEEE hosts an afternoon social of food and games at Sunset Rec. Come to connect and have fun with fellow members at a more casual level.
October 6
Sunset Rec Center
12:30 – 3 PM


New UCLA IEEE Membership
IEEE UCLA is implementing a new student membership system—just attend any one of our events to receive a membership card, a pass to our special events where space is limited and we give free stuff (i.e. soldering workshop, PSoC and Pizza workshop). With this card we are also launching a rewards program in which collecting stickers from five events will earn a prize: a backpack filled with cool IEEE gear.
Your free pass to workshops and rewards in a single card.


ExxonMobil Infosession
Learn about ExxonMobil and the oil industry while grabbing a bite to eat and meeting with ExxonMobil representatives. Learn what ExxonMobil has to offer and see whether you would like to start a successful career in the oil industry. There will be recruiting for Chemical, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineers, so make sure to bring resumes. Business casual attire is suggested.
September 30
Boelter Penthouse
6:30 – 8 PM

CLAS TECH Symposium
The IEEE Coastal Los Angeles Section, the local society encompassing UCLA and surrounding industries, is presenting a symposium and exhibition at the Hacienda Hotel in El Segundo. The professional event will include 2 tracks with 5 technical sessions and table top exhibits. A buffet lunch will be provided. Registration online is $15 before October 21, while onsite registration will be $30.
October 25
El Segundo, CA
8 AM – 3:30 PM
Registration and Information:

FLoW Cleantech Competition
First Look West, a Caltech-based association, is hosting a competition for university students to foster clean tech innovation and entrepreneurship. Previous submissions have included clean energy, transportation, and infrastructure, and winning groups take home up to $100,000 prizes and startup opportunities. Proposals are due March 3, 2014, so visit the link on the left to find out more about the challenge.
March 3, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
Registration and Information:

See you soon,